Social Inclusion through meaningful ageing è un Programma Erasmus Plus, Azione Strategica KA2 (dal 01-12-2020 al 31-08-2023), che vede la prof.ssa Daniela Grignoli e la dott.ssa Margherita Di Paolo coinvolte come responsabili progettuali. In particolare, il progetto, contribuendo alla conoscenza persone anziane come “portatori di bisogni”, ma anche come patrimoni di risorse, intende migliorare la loro qualità di vita attraverso una migliore qualità dell’assistenza agli anziani che permetta loro una maggiore inclusione sociale.

The SeeMe project aims to improve the quality of care for older adults by contributing to the knowledge on the needs of older adults and by increasing the skills and competencies of different groups of caregivers to respond to those needs. The emphasis here is on caregivers’competencies to SEE care as something more than physical and medical care, SEE the older person behind the patient, SEE social and meaning needs, and SEE the positive talents and dreams of older adults, not only their needs.

In this way, the SeeMe project contributes to the social inclusion of older adults.

European SeeMe consortium

Prof. dr. Anja Machielse, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Prof. dr. Wander van der Vaart, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Prof. dr. Sarah Dury, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. dr. Liesbeth De Donder, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. dr. Daan Duppen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. dr. Daniela Grignoli, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy

Dr. Margherita di Paolo, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy

Prof. dr. Tinie Kardol, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. dr. Maurice de Greef, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Dr. Álvaro García, Matia Gerontological Institute, Madrid, Spain

Dr. Sara Marsillas, Matia Gerontological Institute, Madrid, Spain

Dipl. Päd. Dieter Zisenis, bbb Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung R. Klein & Partner GbR, Germany

Dipl. Päd. Rosemarie Klein, bbb Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung R. Klein & Partner GbR, Germany